I love what I do and want to provide all things twirly and girly, to nourish the imaginations of young girls and the young at heart, to live and dream for one moment vicariously thru playful designs and light up the eyes of those who dance, dream, play, giggle and even sleep in Fairy Wonderful designs!!!
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Thanks and Happy Shopping!!!
Here is what My sis had to say on March 2nd.. Ryenne is 8 days old
"today i was able to hold my baby girl for the first time. i finally feel like a mother and not just a window shopper. she is doing really good and was able to get off her respirator. yay"
I was driving like a maniac worried I would miss it... the birth of my new niece making her debut 12 weeks early... it was Déjà vu all over again.. except I was on the other side of it... the side of the unknown.. waiting... wondering... praying.. hoping......desperately praying for some miracle as we were told only days before with Alicia in the hospital that Ryenne had a 50% chance that she would not make it...given the option to go home and let nature take it course...with the fear that the shape of her uterus the doctors would have to perform a bi-lateral C-section which would put Alicia at risk with any future pregnancies of uteran abruption, death of baby and possibly mom... the decision made to take all necessary steps to save this little precious miracle we had not even met yet but could not help but feel that she was here... sent to us..to her parents... for some reason... for a lifetime. Not to go home and let "nature take its course"... did she surprise us all.. born at 28 weeks weighing 1 lb 12 oz and 12 inches long... the first thing that came to my mind was a ruler... she was the length of a ruler.... and she was fighting hard!