As my sister use to say when my baby was done being held... time to put her back on her shelf.... referring to the isolette or incubator.... preemie babies under a certain weight can't maintain their body temps so they have to stay in their make shift "womb" or isolette... kangaroo care is the skin to skin contact between baby and mommy or daddy which our body heat can warm the babies enough to be held but when the baby becomes stressed they either have an "A or B" which is bradycardia .. heart rate fluctuates really low or high. or Apnea which they temporarily stop breathing sometimes having to be stimulated to remind them to breathe.. they then have to be put back on their "shelf"..... and some days they are just to stressed out to even hold.... which is when we just get to watch our babies through a "window".... you can't help but feel like you have just given birth to a plant.. just watching it grow...
Here is what My sis had to say on March 2nd.. Ryenne is 8 days old